EMC Testi | PTC Ürün Test ve Belgelendirme | Elekro Manyetik Uyumluluk
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The electromagnetic compatibility directive applies to organizations in the electrical and electronics sector. According to this directive, products in this industry must have certain emission and immunity limits, so that free trade can be carried out in the European market. Electromagnetic interference caused by the operation of electrical and electromagnetic devices on the one hand should not damage other radio and telecommunication devices. On the other hand, they must exhibit a high degree of electromagnetic compatibility, so that they work flawlessly for the intended use.



Article 1- The purpose of this regulation is; With the radiocommunication, telecommunication and electrical / electronic devices and systems with the level of electromagnetic disturbance emitted in the normal electromagnetic environment determined by the standards and regulations will not interfere with the operation of both their own operation and other devices, and have sufficient structural immunity to be affected by other disturbances, they are provided to be manufactured, documented, marked and placed on the market with their equipment and telecommunication networks preserved in electromagnetic disturbance affecting them and the connected devices.


Article 2- This regulation applies to devices that cause electromagnetic disturbance and / or whose performance is affected by such degradation and / or includes the relevant protection requirements, inspection, certification and CE Marking procedures. The protection requirements of certain devices as specified in this Regulation shall not apply to the provisions of these Regulations when special regulations of these devices come into force in respect of such devices or conditions of protection. The radios used by radio amateurs are not covered by this Regulation if the device is commercially available, not in accordance with definition 53 of the radio regulations in Article 1 of the International Telecommunications Convention.

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